Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

How to publish his service

Lawyers on a flight

An airliner was having engine trouble, and the pilot instructed the cabin crew to have the passengers take their seats and get prepared for an emergency landing.

A few minutes later, the pilot asked the flight attendants if everyone was buckled in and ready.

"All set back here, Captain," came the reply, "except the lawyers are still going around passing out business cards."

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Adorable yet they're funny

Animal especially pets can be very adorable yet very funny at the same time. Take a look at these pictures below..

"Thanks, I had it done at that fabulous new salon downtown!"

Uh, excuse me mister, have you seen my mother?

Do I LOOK like a mocha latte to you?!

Woohoo!.....high tide, get outa my way!!!

Sssshhhh, baby sleeping

"Everybody was Kung Fu fightin!"

"Must....... reach.... ...cookie! "

Titanic..... ..the sequel?

Will you be my new daddy? I be your best fwiend!

A nip here, a tuck there....... .you look marvelous dahling!

"Pssss, pssstt pssss psst pssss psst"

"Being a mechanic is hard work, but it pays the bills and feeds the kids!"

Didn't you know I won't get any taller?

"Aaaawww Man! I almost had it!!!!"

Is this your kid?

you got me for amusement purposes only, right?

yummy yummy yummy

Please papa, don't leave me!

"It be allwight, don't cry!"

"I told you, don't pull my ears, didn't I?!!!"

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A Laugh a Day to Keep the Doctor Away

Most of happy moments come with laugh..
Laugh will make you healthy..
Then.. Happy connected with Health..

This is a good article on what's the relation between laugh and your health..

A Laugh a Day to Keep the Doctor Away

A hearty laugh a day may keep the doctor away, say the findings of a unique study. Whereas previous studies have examined how negative emotions can adversely affect our health, this study took a new spin--they measured the affect of watching a funny movie on the ability of heart blood vessels to expand. And they found some surprising results--laughing increased blood flow as much as a 15- to 30-minute workout.

The ability of blood vessels to expand is known as vasodilation. Poor vasodilation means that passageways may be blocked and blood flow may be cut off. The result is an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes.

In the study, 20 healthy men and women watched clips of two movies--a violent battle scene from "Saving Private Ryan" or a humorous scene from a comedy such as "Kingpin." Each participant's vasodilation was measured prior to the movie and again afterward.

The results were "dramatic." Of the 20 participants who saw the stressful film, 14 had significantly reduced blood flow. However, after watching the funny film, 19 of the 20 volunteers had significantly increased blood flow. Specifically:

* Blood flow decreased by about 35 percent after experiencing stress
* Blood flow increased by 22 percent after laughing, which is equivalent to what happens after a 15- to 30-minute workout

Past studies have found that stress hormones like adrenalin and cortisol, which is released when a person is stressed, may harm the body by suppressing the immune system and constricting blood vessels. On the other hand, the researchers believe laughing causes the body to release beneficial chemicals called endorphins, which may counteract the effects of stress hormones and cause blood vessels to dilate.

In a similar manner, laughing may also boost the immune system and reduce inflammation, which is thought to increase the risk of various health problems.

The researchers say they have a long way to go before their hypothesis will be proven, but they point out that there's no downside to laughing and they have no problem recommending it to their patients.
here is another funny commercial video..
sad but make me laugh..

yes.. spend your life happily..

Anything to make us happy

Dear all,
life is hard. Don't make it harder by how we see the world. Just make it easy.. Here we can connect each other, sharing happy moments, and then you can enjoy your life..
Just connect, share and enjoy your life..

Like this video..

if i can be the shorts